Monday, October 12, 2015

Are We All Born Good?

What is the true nature of humankind? Are we a blank slate (tabula rasa) at birth? Do we have to be socialized to learn what is "right" and "wrong" according to our society or do we have this innate ability programmed into us from the moment we are born? This is a classic debate among observers of the human condition. Great thinkers have offered their views on this essential question throughout recorded history. But what have we learned? Are we any closer to an answer regarding human nature? Can an individual be "born good" or "born bad" or is everything learned through our environment? What could we possibly learn about this from studying infants? Could modern science finally give us a definitive answer? Watch this 60 Minutes report on current research into this question that has been recently conducted in Yale's baby lab. Respond in a comment of at least 300 words that addresses the following:

  • What was your position on this question before watching the video?
  • Did the research discussed in the video change your opinion in any way?
  • Are we born "wired" to be selfish or "wired" to seek justice and have empathy for others (or a little bit of both)?
  • Are nurture and environment the deciding factors that help us develop either our selfish or empathetic and altruistic tendencies?
  • Do you think that this research was scientifically sound?
  • Do you agree with their conclusions?